Monthly Archives: June 2012

From The Reviewers To The Authors

Shadowhawk talks about the relationships between authors and book bloggers. What follows is his own opinion and should you have any issue with it, feel free to discuss it with him directly. (Note: This is a repost from The Founding Fields)

“The relationship between an author and a book blogger (reviewer) is one of cooperation and mutual respect that is stringed together by trust.” ~Shadowhawk

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Ideas and Execution

Been somewhat of a while since I’ve done a post on actual writing stuff so I thought I’d correct that oversight. The last few months, as I’ve mentioned in my monthly reports, have been rather hectic on all accounts and blogging isn’t really as high on the priority list as it used to be. My apologies to all the readers for that. The fact is that I’m too much of an infrequent blogger who’d love to blog far more regularly. Its just that life keeps intervening in one form or another. Anyway, as I specifically mentioned in the May Report, I’ve had some ideas gestating in the back of my mind recently that I’m really excited about. Two of them are linked quite directly while the third is on its own.

More after the break.

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Skyrim Parodies

I’d like to say that I’m an avid gamer but that’s not strictly true. I certainly have an interest in them and I’ve played a lot of video games over the years but my experience pales in comparison to some of my friends such as Ben C, Ben W, Ryan, Keith, David B and a few others. If you want to have a discussion about video games and the industry itself, these are the guys to talk to. So this post isn’t about video games as such. This is about video game parodies.

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May Report

I mentioned in my April Report that it had been a slightly better month with regards fiction writing when compared to March which was absolutely terrible because of a bad case of procrastination a weird disinterest in getting any serious writing done. With May, I really wanted to change things around as the Black Library submissions window was now hitting the middle of the stretch and I had one deadline in particular looming as well.

Well, May turned out to be much better than I had hoped, and I got some serious work done. I actually came quite close to the levels of work that I had done in January and February. That’s a good thing right? Well, if has certainly buoyed my spirits and given me a great ego boost. I am now more driven than ever to succeed with my writing.

The full lowdown for the month is after the break.

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