Daily Archives: October 29, 2013

Itty Bitty Hellboy #1 by Art Baltazar and Franco (Comics Review)

I seem to be on some sort of a high of late, reading kids-friendly comics. It opens up a whole new world really. Batman ’66, Lil’ Gotham, Samurai Jack, and a bunch of others. Lil’ Gotham especially looks very interesting and I’ve certainly been hearing great things about it, which is why I bought the first few issues this weekend. Can’t wait to get into them. It appears that what Lil’ Gotham does with Gotham and the Bat-family characters, Itty Bitty Hellboy does with Mike Mignola’s signature creation.

Itty Bitty Hellboy reimagines Hellboy and his gallery of allies and villains for a very young audience, which is a really interesting concept since the Hellboy comics are very adult-oriented and have a very grim and gritty feel to them, from what little I’ve seen while browsing through. Even the two movies that have been made are a great example of that vibe. Itty Bitty Hellboy goes off int he completely opposite direction however.

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