Blog Archives

Assassin’s Creed: Brahman (Graphic Novel)

I remember seeing the first trailers and gameplay footage of Assassin’s Creed back in 2007, in my Video Game Production class back in college. It was a rather surreal moment and the game had my complete attention. I’ve never been a “get the game at release!” kind of gamer and so I didn’t get a chance to play Assassin’s Creed until much later. And I was hooked. Its been ages now and I remember little of the game, but what I do remember is how much fun it was to explore the cities and carry out all the assassin-related hijinks with Altair.

I’ve largely fallen off the gaming scene in recent years, preferring to focus instead on my fiction writing and reviewing, so I’m not current on much of what is happening in the industry.

But then I heard about a new Assassin’s Creed graphic novel, and suddenly I wanted to play the game once more.

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Best of 2013 Part 1

I did two “Best of the…” lists last year, one for the half-year from January to June, and the other for the half-year from July to December. The lists proved to be quite popular, and I was recently asked if I was going to be doing any more. To which I said yes. I like putting together lists like this. It gives me a chance to reflect a bit on all the good stuff I’ve been reading in novels and comics, or listening to in terms of audiobooks, audio dramas and so on.

You can check out my top-of-the-month lists on my Reading Awards page and this list is both an extension, and a continuation of what goes on there.

Let’s see what makes the cut and which comes close then!

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Best of the Best Part 2

I last did something like this in July for the six months from January 1st all the way to June 30th. This list is for July 1st and all the way through to December 30th (the last day doesn’t count!). As I mentioned at the end of that list, this isn’t going to be regurgitation of my “Reading Awards” page, but something more varied. The list takes into account everything I’ve read in the last six months.

Let’s see what makes the cut and which comes close then!

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Advent Reviews Day 24: Not Really A Review, Something Different

As the title says, I was conflicted about what to post for today’s Advent Reviews. I didn’t want to do any negative reviews, for an obvious reason: today is Christmas Eve after all and it’s time for good cheer, not for me to rain down on someone’s parade! Doing negative reviews before was fine, kind of. I didn’t want to do a positive review either, since I do so damn many of them anyway. I often take a lot of flak for being that positive, especially when it comes to Black Library publications, so I wasn’t really on the mind for any of that either. Just thinking of any possible backlash rains down on my parade, you know? In short, I didn’t want to do a review period. What follows is a stream-of-consciousness post. Apologies for any incoherency.

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2012 Reading Challenge: Shenanigans Continue

Deciding on doing a reading challenge for the year, especially one as ambitious as 200 (now 250 of course) prose publications (novels, anthologies), audio dramas and comics, was a huge step back in January. And as you can see from my progress, I’ve been keeping up with the challenge demands fairly consistently and am actually a little bit ahead.

Which brings me to this post. Diayll, over at the Mother/Gamer/Writer blog is doing a reading challenge as well, and where hers differs most prominently from mine is that she is hosting it rather than just taking part in one like I am. It is a really exciting idea as hers is quite focused on manga, comics and video game novels.

You can find the details of the challenge here.

Suffice to say that this is a really good fit for me, considering that I’m reading a ton of stuff this year anyway. The benefits of taking part in Diayll’s challenge is the networking aspect of it and just exploring what other people read outside of my (rather) small circle of more mainstream reviewers (not that I’m mainstream by any means, at least not in terms of my exposure to the blogging community).

So yeah, that’s that!

And maybe I could even get into manga this year! Finally!

My Goodreads profile.

March Round Up for M/G/V Challenge